Behaviour Safe At Home training - new course dates
Behaviour Safe At Home supports parents, carers and family members living with children who display extreme behaviours, to improve the safety of everyone. The focus of the programme is on early intervention, to help prevent the behaviour escalating and to reduce the need for restrictive interventions. Meaningful and focused guidance is given to help parent/carers make appropriate positive choices when managing difficult behaviours.
Two-day courses will be delivered by Bells Croft Consultancy on the following dates:
Full address and details provided with enquiry or booking
Prices are:
£30.00 for one parent/carer
£50.00 for two parent/carers
Please note these courses are heavily subsidised with the original cost being £200 per person. Therefore, the booking fee is non-refundable.
Please contact us at for a Booking form or to go on our waiting list.