
Roman Hill Primary School

Inspiring Achievement


Academic term 23/24 - Attendance expectations

Let's talk attendance!

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At Roman Hill Primary School, we aim to ensure that all children attend school consistently and on time to enable them to take full advantage of the curriculum and opportunities available.

Regular, punctual attendance is valued and positively encouraged for all our pupils.

Research shows that attending school regularly and on time has a positive impact on learning, social skills and mental health and therefore giving the best life chances for pupils.

At Roman Hill Primary School, we expect all children to achieve attendance that is at least 96%

Each school day there are 2 registration sessions – one in the morning the other in the afternoon.

It is important that all pupils are punctual and on time so that they do not miss the beginning of each school day where they will be given their present mark for the session.


Breakdown of School Day

8.40am - Gates Open

8.55am - Register

8.55am onwards – Learning Time

12.00pm - 1.15pm - Lunchtime (staggered over the school)

1.15pm - Register

1.15pm onwards – Learning time

3.15pm - Home time


If a pupil arrives late to school every-day, their learning begins to suffer. 

Children arriving late for school must report to the school office. The registers are monitored daily to identify pupils who are arriving late and regular lateness to school will be challenged as not acceptable.




Our attendance policy here, outlines the procedures for reporting attendance, making leave of absence requests and procedures for dealing with persistent absence.

Our attendance lead monitors attendance closely and will raise concerns with parents where necessary.

Roman Hill Primary are required to advise you that, unauthorised absence of 6 sessions (3 days) or more may result in the issue of a Penalty Notice. Penalty Notices are issued by the Local Authority in accordance with Suffolk County Council’s guidelines. Please see our attendance policy for more information.



We love to celebrate and reward good attendance in our school! Children are congratulated in assemblies and praised for being part of the best class for attendance of a weekly basis.

Frequently asked questions about attendance;


What can I do to help my child achieve great attendance?

*Ensure regular and early bedtimes

*Have uniform and equipment prepared the night before

*Report any concerns promptly with us.

*Be positive about school (even if your own experience was less than positive)

*Keep honest and open communication with Roman Hill Primary School

*Make routine medical appointments outside of school hours


Can I take my child out of school for a family holiday?

The law does not grant parents automatic right to take their child out of school during term time.

Any absence from school will disrupt your child’s learning even if you think that the holiday will be educational. The Headteacher will not authorise an absence for a family holiday. The Headteacher will consider requests for leave of absence in term time in exceptional circumstances only.


My child is worried/anxious about attending school what should I do?

If your child has any worries about attending school or showing reluctance to attend, we ask that you contact the school immediately. Your child’s teacher, attendance officer, welfare team are all here to offer support and discuss any issues impacting attendance.


My child is too unwell to attend school today what should I do?

Call the school office between 8.00am-8.45am on 01502 563161 or alternatively you can use Parentmail or email Please be advised that parents must contact the school office on each day of absence.


What is unacceptable?

Roman Hill Primary school will not authorise absences once a pupil's attendance has dipped to 95% or less, unless there is supportive evidence, but also on the discretion of the Headteacher.

Parental illness or parental/sibling hospital appointments are not acceptable reasons for absence and will not be authorised.

The school will not authorise absence for day trips, visiting relatives, shopping, birthdays or looking after siblings etc.


Should you require any further help please don't hesitate to contact our Attendance Officer 01502 563161 or email - Attendance Officer

Medical evidence such as GP appointment texts, Dentist appointments, Hospital appointments slips etc should be shown to the Attendance Officer in order to authorise absence. This can be via a document scan of the appointment and emailed to the Attendance Officer. Alternatively, you can show members of staff in the office.

If your child is prescribed any medication as part of their absence, please can a photo of the medication be taken, clearly showing your child's name and date of issue. This is to be emailed to Attendance Officer as soon as possible.

