
Roman Hill Primary School

Inspiring Achievement




Art and Design teaching should equip all pupils to have confidence using basic visual elements (line, tone, colour, texture, form). They should have the confidence to read and critically assess visual stimuli such as paintings, advertising, product design, alongside being able to create using these basic visual elements. 


Our school programme is based on the National Curriculum for Art and Design (2014) and is built in response to the specific needs of our children, the community in which they live and the resources and expertise of the school. The ethos of our Art and Design teaching is underpinned throughout by three core aims, or principles. These give shape and purpose to the content of the curriculum, the planning of teaching and the achievement of our children. These core aims are:

- The development of ideas and creativity

- The development of skills and processes. 

- The development of knowledge encompassing art and cultures 

These core aims are based upon an understanding of art education as being the process of generating ideas, realising them in some material form, and being able to talk about what was done and why. We seek to provide a consistent process of investigation, development and learning underwritten by clear learning objectives and assessment outcomes. 


The core aims are supplemented by the development of qualities that are important to the school. 

These qualities include: 

  • The capacity to understand and value different cultures and traditions 

  • The ability to work purposefully when independent and collaboratively when in teams 

  • The ability to be creative by valuing originality and imagination in pursuit of worthwhile goals 

  • The ability to use technology as both a tool for learning and  means of communication 



At Roman Hill Primary School we use a scheme of work 'Access Art' to underpin our curriculum sequence. 

Access Art focuses on a diverse range of artists from a vast array of cultures, races, countries and socio-economic backgrounds. As an inclusive school, this is extremely important to us.  



All pupils have equal access to Art and Design regardless of their individual emotional and educational needs. Additional support or adapted tasks may be necessary to support progress.  




Our pupils leave Roman Hill as confident, creative individuals with a secure knowledge base to transition them onto their next stage of education. They are inspired by the work of great artists, and have the skills in the key areas of art to inform their own masterpieces. Assessment, conducted through a combination of teacher assessment, self and peer assessment, informs next steps in learning and allows teachers to identify gaps in knowledge as appropriate before the next stage in the pupils’ learning.
