
Roman Hill Primary School

Inspiring Achievement


At Roman Hill, we aim to prepare children for life in modern Britain.

We teach the values associated with this, through an exciting and enriching curriculum in all year groups.

Click on the links below to see an overview of the curriculum for the year, and a break down for each subject. 
For more detail about what your child is learning about this term see the links on the Year Group pages.

A variety of topics and themes are covered in each year group, where children will be taught set objectives in line with the national curriculum. Different classes may approach tasks in a variety of ways and this allows us to provide an enriching and exciting learning experience. The learning experience is further enhanced with a range of school trips and visitors.


You can find out more about the 2014 National Curriculum here



Homework is sent home on a Friday, and returned the following Thursday. 

You will receive:

- Home reading tasks

- Spelling home learning

- Maths learning linked to in class topics. 


You may all receive home learning opportunities linked to in class topics as appropriate. 
