Teachers: 3E - Miss Ellis | Learning Support and Teaching Assistants: Mrs Segarceanu Mrs Hill |
Start of the day - All year 3 children are to enter from 8.35am through the Year 2/3 entrance. Parents are not permitted in the school building, should you need to chat to your child's teacher please make an appointment at the school office.
End of the day - At 3.15pm Years 1, 2 and 3 will be picked up from the main playground on the far side (near the colourful wall).Please wait for you child to be dismissed by their teaching staff.
PE days
3W - Mondays & Wednesdays
3E - Mondays & Wednesdays
Children will be looking at the invasion game of handball and considering roles of attacking and defending which can be applied to many games. They will also be doing a module on Indoor Cricket readying a team to take part in the Suffolk Schools Games.
Uniform - Full uniform must be worn. On PE days, children can attend in their PE uniform. For more guidance please visit our Uniform page
In Year 3 this term we will be learning about the remarkable Romans in History, going on a ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ of the UK in Geography and creating feathery sculptures inspired by Quentin Blake’s story ‘The Minpins’ in Art. In Science, we will be exploring and investigating forces and magnets and in Design Technology we will be using seasonal ingredients to design and make tasty tarts. In Computing, the children will be creating book trailers using iPads and in Music the children will be developing their singing technique by singing like the Vikings. In Year 3, we are also looking forward to making bird feeders with visitors from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. There will be opportunities for the children to represent the school in sports tournaments too. What a busy and exciting term Year 3 has planned!