
Roman Hill Primary School

Inspiring Achievement

Year 1



1M Mrs McCann
1W Mrs Wilson                           

Learning Support and Teaching Assistants:

Miss Lindley

Mrs Blanchflower

Supporting your child and us:


Start of the day - The school day begins at 8.35am when the children will enter through the side door outside 1M, they will go to their classrooms and get ready for the day. Parents are not permitted to enter the premises.


Collection of children at home time -  Years 1, 2 and 3 will be picked up from the main playground on the far side (near the colourful wall).We ask that you help us to ensure all the children are safely collected from school by: * Waiting for the teacher to send your child to you OR if your child has gone over to you *Letting the teacher know that you have taken your child.


PE The children will have two PE lessons each week, one inside session and one outside session Please name each item in your child’s PE kit.  For health and safety reasons children are not allowed to wear jewellery, including earrings and long hair must be tied back during PE lessons.


PE Sessions are

1W - Mondays & Wednesdays

1M - Tuesdays & Wednesdays


 Children will be doing a team building module which combines taking roles and cooperating with others with team tasks. They will also be doing gymnastics barefooted: combining moves, rolls and balances on mats, balancing on low equipment, jumping on and off equipment and later moving on medium height equipment, like tables.


Lost Property Please ensure that the name of your child is in all the clothes they wear to help with lost items. If you find that your child has lost an item of clothing and it is not in the classroom please check at lost property inside the reception area. 


Uniform - Full uniform must be worn. On PE days, children can attend in their PE uniform. For more guidance please visit our Uniform page

This term in Year 1


We are looking forward to an exciting new term with lots of exciting new learning. 

Year 1 will be reading the story of 'Peter Rabbit' by Beatrix Potter and 'Look Up' by Nathan Bryan. The children will also be learning how to write a recount and an informal letter.

In maths they will begin with place value to 20 and learning all about the value of 2-digit numbers. Science will be based around animals, their similarities and differences, their habitats and we will also look at the senses. 

In history the children will continue to look at changes within living memory relating to the local area, it's houses and shops. Geography will be based upon comparing hot and cold countries. 

The children will be making vehicles in art with moving wheels and axels then, testing them on the playground. This will also be linked  to DT lessons. 







