
Roman Hill Primary School

Inspiring Achievement

P.E. and Sports

At Roman Hill Primary, We celebrate the importance of leading an active lifestyle. We help students progress in their physical literacy journeys through Physical Education and School Sport whilst offering opportunities to be Physically Active throughout the day.


Physical Education is the planned, progressive learning that takes place in school curriculum timetabled time and which is delivered to all pupils. This involves both ‘learning to move’ (i.e. becoming more physically competent) and ‘moving to learn’ (e.g. learning through movement, a range of skills and understandings beyond physical activity, such as co-operating with others). The context for the learning is physical activity, with children experiencing a broad range of activities, including sport and dance.


School Sport is the structured learning that takes place beyond the curriculum. Our school sport programme has the potential to develop and broaden the foundation learning that takes place in physical education. It also forms a vital link with ‘community sport and activity. We pride ourselves at Roman Hill for offering a rich amount of opportunities for our students to represent the school in competitive competitions, dance events and fitness festivals. This is achieved through our links with the North Suffolk Sport and Health Partnership and also with schools within our area.


Physical Activity is a broad term referring to all bodily movement that uses energy. It includes all forms of physical education, sports and dance activities. At Roman Hill, we offer an array of opportunities to be physically active. This includes our amazing adventure equipment on our play ground and break and lunchtime activities (Such as our BASH boards, basketball clubs, sports leaders etc). We also enjoy active lessons, learning through videos promoted by the Premier League Primary Stars programme. Our Junior Road Safety Officers promote active travel to our school all year round.

PE Timetable - Spring Term 2025
