
Roman Hill Primary School

Inspiring Achievement

Religious Education



At Roman Hill Primary School, we believe that a high-quality religious education will help pupils’ gain a coherent knowledge and understanding, where they can articulate clearly and confidently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences. RE is taught using the Kapow RE and Worldviews curriculum. This curriculum supports an inclusive understanding of beliefs, fosters critical thinking and respect for diverse perspectives among children. Pupils will learn about traditions, rituals and theologies through multiple lenses. Religious Education is a key player in engendering knowledge and understanding however, does not teach children to passively accept, but rather encourages evaluation and critical thinking, equipping them to consider beliefs and positions they encounter.  RE offers distinctive opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development allowing time for reflection, discussion, dialogue and debate. The Kapow curriculum supports and promotes the key areas of British Values.



The RE curriculum is taught across each year group in units which enable pupils to study in depth key concepts, skills and vocabulary.  As this is our first year transitioning to the Kapow Curriculum, we will be following the transition overview and planning. This will ensure that pupils are taught the key skills, concepts and foundational knowledge needed to have the best possible outcomes in terms of progress and attainment going forward 


Lessons will be taught using the six part lesson structure in line with all other subject areas. The lessons will begin with a revisit of prior learning and the specific teaching of vocabulary. The lesson structures are designed to gradually release independence of learning to the children and enable them to know and remember more over time. 



A combination of teacher, self and peer assessment is used to evaluate pupils' successes in lessons. At the beginning end of units pupil will complete quizzing activities which are specifically designed to measure impact and attainment but also to ensure that gaps in learning are reduced through targeted opportunities to revisit taught material if needed.  In addition to this the main concepts and foundational knowledge  are built in to the spiral curriculum, ensuring key learning points are revisited when not secured. 


In delivering the Kapow RE and Worldviews curriculum to our children, we aim to provide opportunities to learn about Religions and the cultures and belief systems of the wider world, while promoting respect, tolerance and understanding which they will be able to take with them in to their lives beyond primary school. 
