
Roman Hill Primary School

Inspiring Achievement

Year 5



5L - Mr Lack

5N -Mr Norris

5BW - Mrs Bircham & Mrs Driver                                           



Learning Support and Teaching Assistants:

Miss Broxup

Mrs Robb

Mrs Kinney



Start of the day - All year 5 children are to enter through the Gym block from 8.35am. Parents are not permitted in the school building, should you need to chat to your child's teacher please make an appointment at the school office.


End of the day - Years 4 and 5 will be dismissed from their exterior classroom doors. Please congregate near to these but stay away from the windows. Teachers will dismiss the children from the classroom as they see adults arrive; there is no need to enter a classroom. 


PE days - 

5L - Tuesdays & Fridays

5N - Tuesdays & Fridays

5BD - Tuesdays & Fridays


Children are doing Gymnastics with Mr.Barber. Year 5 are progressing to do a paired performance and the Year 6 will be doing a group performance, involving both floor and equipment skills. With Mr.Dawson both year groups will be developing their Football skills which will help with the upcoming season of school football events.


Uniform - Full uniform must be worn. On PE days, children can attend in their PE uniform. For more guidance please visit our Uniform page

This term in Year 5


In year 5 we are going to start reading A Midsummer Nights’ Dream, writing Third person stories set in another culture and continue to practice and apply our knowledge of times tables. In DT and Computing we are going to create our own sets and animations. Our science topic will be forces and space which will feed into our end of term trip (more details of the trip will be shared soon).



