Teachers: | Learning Support and Teaching Assistants: Mrs Barnes |
Start of the day - Children can enter from 8.35am through the Year 1 entrance or the Year 2/3 entrance. Parents are not permitted on the premises so if you need any help please visit the office or a member of staff who will be on the doors in the morning to greet you.
End of the school day - At 3.15pm Years 1, 2 and 3 will be picked up from the main playground on the far side (near the colourful wall). Please wait for your child to be dismissed by their teacher who will hand over to you.
PE days - Year 2 PE days are listed below. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.
2A - Mondays & Fridays
2FR - Mondays & Thursdays
Children will be doing fundamental skills, running, jumping and agility with Mr.Barber. Then, developing their aim with Target Games with Mr.Dawson.
Uniform - Full uniform must be worn. On PE days, children can attend in their PE uniform. For more guidance please visit our Uniform page
In year 2 in English we will continue to study both fiction and non-fiction texts. The children are currently enjoying listening to the nonsense poem 'The Quangle Wangle's hat. Homework will again be shared every Friday and you will see that in maths we are looking at counting money. Any support you can give your children at home with this will be greatly appreciated. This term we have a very exciting geography topic where we will be studying the local area. Our end of term event will be a trip to Carlton Marshes. 2H and ½ of 2MR will be going on Wednesday 27th March and 2AF and ½ of 2MR will go on Thursday 28th March. More information to follow. In Science we will be looking at materials while in DT we will be making moving monsters!!! As you can see a very busy term and we look forward to your continues support.