Here at Roman Hill we understand that children from time to time can become ill and it can be a tricky decision whether to send them into school.
Please see below a guide to help you decide whether to send your child to school, alternatively call 01502 563161 option 1 and speak to the Attendance Officer who will be happy to offer guidance. You can also email -
It is normal for children to feel a little anxious from time to time. They may get a tummy ache or headache, or have problems eating or sleeping. Avoiding school could make a child's anxiety about going to school worse. It's good to talk about any worries they may have such as friendship worries, school work or sensory problems. Please contact the Attendance Officer or class teacher for further help.
NHS guidelines have the most up to date information on what to do, especially now that there is no requirement to test. For further clarity please discuss with Attendance Officer.
Coughs and colds
It’s fine to send your child to school with a minor cough or common cold. But if they have a fever, keep them off school until the fever goes.
Encourage your child to throw away any used tissues and to wash their hands regularly.
High temperature
If your child has a high temperature, (high temperature is 38C or more) keep them off school until it goes away.
If your child has chickenpox, keep them off school until all the spots have crusted over.
This is usually about 5 days after the spots first appeared.
Cold sores
There’s no need to keep your child off school if they have a cold sore.
Encourage them not to touch the blister or kiss anyone while they have the cold sore, or to share things like cups and towels.
You don’t need to keep your child away from school if they have conjunctivitis.
Do get advice from your pharmacist. Encourage your child not to rub their eyes and to wash their hands regularly.
If your child has got croup, they may have a runny nose, barking cough and potential temperature. We advise that medical advice is obtained for suspected croup as medication may be needed.
Ear infection
If your child has an ear infection and a high temperature or severe earache, keep them off school until they’re feeling better or their high temperature goes away.
Hand, foot and mouth disease
If your child has symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease please take them to the GP to be checked. After this, if they seem well enough to go to school, there is no need to keep them off.
Encourage your child to throw away any used tissues straight away and to wash their hands regularly.
Head lice and nits
There’s no need to keep your child off school if they have head lice.
You can treat head lice and nits without seeing a GP.
If your child has impetigo, they’ll need treatment from a GP, often with antibiotics.
Keep them off school until all the sores have crusted over and healed, or for 48 hours after they start antibiotic treatment.
Encourage your child to wash their hands regularly and not to share things like towels and cups with other children at school.
Period pain
It is common to have pain or discomfort before or during a period, however children should still attend school. Feminine hygiene items are available at school as well as heating pads to help if needed. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen can be administered before school attendance. Should your child require further pain medication, a medication form will need to be completed.
If your child has ringworm, see your pharmacist unless it’s on their scalp, in which case you should see a GP.
It’s fine for your child to go to school once they have started treatment.
Scarlet fever
If your child has scarlet fever, they’ll need treatment with antibiotics from a GP. Otherwise they’ll be infectious for 2 to 3 weeks.
Your child can go back to school 24 hours after starting antibiotics.
Slapped cheek syndrome (fifth disease)
You don’t need to keep your child off school if they have slapped cheek syndrome, because once the rash appears, they’re no longer infectious.
If you suspect your child has slapped cheek syndrome, take them to see a GP and let their school know if they’re diagnosed with it.
Sore throat
You can still send your child to school if they have a sore throat. But if they also have a high temperature, they should stay at home until it goes away.
A sore throat and a high temperature can be symptoms of tonsillitis.
You don’t need to keep your child off school if they have threadworms.
Speak to your pharmacist, who can recommend a treatment.
Vomiting and diarrhoea
Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay away from school for 2 days after their symptoms have gone. However, there are many reasons for vomiting and diarrhoea - please contact the Attendance Officer for further guidance.
Information taken from NHS Website
Our aim as a school is for every child to achieve at least 96% attendance and, whilst we appreciate that sickness is unavoidable, we do have a duty of care to remain transparent with parents and follow Attendance Policy procedures.
There may be occasions when your child is prescribed medicines that need to be administered during school hours (antibiotics or asthma inhalers for example).
If you need your child need to be given prescribed medication at school, please fill out the following form and hand it into the office.
If you have any queries regarding medications please contact the school office on 01502 563161